50 years ago, the Beaufort County Open Land Trust was founded so that citizens who cared about preserving the spectacular scenic vistas that define Beaufort County would have a non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds to protect key parcels of land from development. In the early days, members of the Trust did everything they could think of to raise money, including selling potholders on Bay Street and hosting luncheons for tour groups in private historic homes. The lunches featured the “Hot Chicken Salad” that is in the Open Land Trust cookbook, Sea Island Seasons. Unlike today’s popular cranberry chicken salad, the Open Land Trust chicken salad featured crushed potato chips! An army of faithful volunteers made sure that the luncheons happened every Spring and Fall for over 25 years. The funds raised helped protect Bay Street Bluff, Bellamy Curve and Lemon Island. The concept was simple, and the fundraising effort was extremely successful! As we celebrate 50 years, we are bringing back this successful tradition of Open Land Trust Luncheons. There is no better way to raise awareness and fundraise, than (safely) with friends at your home.
We understand that a chicken salad lunch isn’t the best fit for everyone who may want to host an event in their home to support the Open Land Trust, so we want to think outside the box. We now invite you to host different types of events. A few ideas we had were: Stretch your branches yoga sessions, Oyster Roasts, Lowcountry Boil Dinners and Private Chef Dinners. But we also encourage you to host in the way you see fit. Maybe a sushi night or plein air paint is more your speed? Whatever your fancy, we would love to bring people together with you to have a good time and learn about the land trust and how supporting the trust also enriches your life in the southern Lowcountry of South Carolina.

Stretch Your Branches Yoga Sessions
Host an outdoor yoga session on your private land. Create a serene environment for guests to practice. Wrap your time together with light bites and beverages.
An OLT representative to join to share brief remarks about the Trust.
$50 minimum donation per guest

Chicken Salad Luncheon Series
Host a seated luncheon in your home or al fresco. A typical chicken salad luncheon will include welcome beverages, a plated chicken salad lunch, and a small bite of dessert.
2 OLT representative s to join to share brief remarks about the Trust .
$50 minimum donation per guest

Oyster Roast Series
Host a traditional oyster roast. Who doesn’t love a good Lowcountry oyster roast?
2 OLT representatives to join to share brief remarks about the Trust.
$75 minimum donation per guest

Private Chef Dinners
Host an elevated evening in your home with a private chef dinner. Suggested 8-12 guests.
A list of private regional chefs and Sommeliers available upon request.
2 OLT representatives to join for the intimate evening.
$250 minimum donation per guest

Plan Your Own Event!
Host an event in your home that you plan – we leave all of the details to you. We simply need a hospitable host/hostess(es), seating to dine, and food and beverage.Each event is completely unique and how the guest list is obtained is also. Each guest in attendance will be asked for a minimum donation based on the event type being hosted. All proceeds go directly to the Open Land Trust. Each guest will receive a 1 year membership to the OLT and will receive all mailings and e-news for 1 year. 1-2 members of the Open Land Trust staff or board will be in attendance to dine with your guests and to share information. In addition, one representative will set a table to share membership information, and to sell cookbooks and merchandise.